I'm Enjoying the Budget Cuts Already!
This is how the people at my local subway stop express unhappiness about the trains running less frequently.

Because Your Mother Sucks Cocks in Hell is a totally appropriate response to "trains run less frequently".

Because Your Mother Sucks Cocks in Hell is a totally appropriate response to "trains run less frequently".
trains run less frequently at rush hours? Seriously which logical minded govt official thought that one out?!
Uh, yeah! That is totally a legit response. lol. Have you ever tried to catch the uptown 1 from 59th? You wait FOREVER. I can't even imagine how long it'll take now
a regular Mr. Rodgers neighborhood, ya got there.
I can't believe you reacted so badly to the trains running less frequently. You can't go through life attacking anything you don't like with a marker...
I find the "I gotta horse" comment amusing.
Too funny!! Doesn't make much sense! Kinda like here they run less on the weekends when we are all out doing our errands and don't want to wait.
Why does it say "Mon to Fri (service change ends on Thurs)"? I'm confused. And how does the horse fit through the turnstiles?
When our sad little Detroit public transportation system, The People Mover (no, seriously), announced last fall that it would be running in the opposite direction, a homeless man stood outside my building for a week screaming, "That gonna make me fuckin' vomit. That gonna make me FUCKIN' VOMIT."
After a few days, I kind of just wanted him to go suck cocks in hell.
Yes, that totally makes sense.
Fewer trains = blowjobs in hell
haha i love the horse comment. horses solve everything.
i have an award for you over on my blog today, come on over and check it out.
Ooh, the mother comment really hurts. I bet they reconsider.
God, my mother wouldn't suck cocks in hell, that I know for sure. They don't let you wear white gloves in hell,right?
I would so totally write something like this. I so would.
now THAT'S graffiti.
ahhh, the creativity of today's youth...
First time on your blog. You are fabulous!
re: the "your mother sucks cocks in hell" comment. i believe the author was attempting to employ a cinematic reference to 'the exorcist,' where that phrase was spoken by the devil, (through the body of linda blair, voice of mercedes mc cambridge). with this literary device, i contend our subway scribe meant to insinuate that the engineers of the new timetable were satanic. although sadly, the commenter gets it backwards because the words were spoken to a priest, who was portrayed as a force of good in the film.
or maybe the penman was just some drunk.
Jon--I can't tell you how long I stood there staring at that sign trying to figure out why the sign says "Service Changes End on Thurs" (as I stood there trying to figure it out, my train came and went, of course). The explanation that I came up with is that December 31st is a Thursday, so the MTA wanted to explain that even though it's effective Mon-Fri, since Dec. 31st is a Thursday, it the service change will end then. I'm too scared to check if Dec 31st is, in fact a Thursday, because if it's not, I may suffer a mental collapse. Another one.
Which one did you write?
Damn. Akilah got to it first.
I SO wanna move to your city! I LOVE New York! Of course, I'd probably be pissed off enough about the subway not running as much as I need it to and would've written something a little less vulgar...maybe
New Yorkers have anger issues.
Where do you keep a horse in NYC, other than the creepy horse cops in Central Park, I mean.
My mother-in-law really does suck cocks in hell.
Ummm......it is a Thursday.....commence breakdown ....
They really know how to bring about positive change, don't they?
I may be wrong, but were those exclamation points transformed into happy, grinning faces?
Also, I've heard this a lot from various sources, but once women become mothers, they tend to stop that particular sucking. I could be wrong, though.
Don't worry - that guy's got a horse. He probably won't even be on the subway anymore.
Whose mother, because I have a friend who works at the MTA and his mother is quite nice and old fashioned. I bet she doesn't suck cocks anywhere.
I kinda like the horse comment though.
Oh those wacky New Yorkers!
I thought we Chicagoans were the only bitter ones;)
If I were you, I wouldn't stand too close to the tracks at rush hour. . .
Wow. You mean it's not "Your mother sews socks that smell?"
But Marinka, how did they know that about my mom? Are they psychics?
I'm just trying to understand why people carry markers and Sharpies around...
Wow. It's enough to make you sorry your kids can read.
Liked the horse comment. Original!
it's a good thing i'm not drinking anything right now because it would have come out of my nose.
Why are you making me do this?
I REALLY did just LOL.
Holy crap, that was funny.
And fuck 'em all. B/c I have a horse too.
Wow! Who knew that tube travellers could be so eloquent and witty?
Well, I know that was the first thought that entered my mind--those fuckers! Wasn't that your first thought, too?
Wow. Tough crowd!
Marinka, you take the subway?
But on movies all New Yorkers take yellow cabs. Unless they are very poor, degenerate, are escaping from the police or want to plant a bomb. Or dead.
(And don't tell me none of the above apply. I don't want yet another of my In-America-The-Streets-are-Paved-With Gold assumptions ruined. Counting on you! Thanks!).
Awww ... your new header and this post sort of make me miss NYC. The great ol' gal that she is!!! *sigh* I'm going to have to plan a trip for next year!
How you do say motherfuckers in Spanish b/c that is the way I would have felt
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