Guess Who's Pregnant?
See, I thought that it would be a fun to ask my kids "guess who's pregnant?" five minutes before we left for school. And it was sort of fun to see their faces drop down to my midsection and look mortified.
"Ha ha, not me!" I said because I didn't think that I could pull off the grammatically correct, "Not I!"
Then they listed a few more geriatrics and adolescents and when I finally gave them the winning clue, "one of my friends that we visited this year and at whose house we stayed overnight and also her name is Kathryn!" and they were all like "Really?! Is she having a boy or a girl?" and I said, "guess!" and my son guessed "girl", with resignation, and I said "nope, one more chance!" and they both guessed "boy" because they are geniuses.
So when I told mama this story she asked me why didn't I mention to the children that in order to be pregnant, you have to be married and that many of the people they'd guessed were totally single and unmarried and that I totally missed a teaching moment.
Incidentally, this is why I drink.
"Ha ha, not me!" I said because I didn't think that I could pull off the grammatically correct, "Not I!"
Then they listed a few more geriatrics and adolescents and when I finally gave them the winning clue, "one of my friends that we visited this year and at whose house we stayed overnight and also her name is Kathryn!" and they were all like "Really?! Is she having a boy or a girl?" and I said, "guess!" and my son guessed "girl", with resignation, and I said "nope, one more chance!" and they both guessed "boy" because they are geniuses.
So when I told mama this story she asked me why didn't I mention to the children that in order to be pregnant, you have to be married and that many of the people they'd guessed were totally single and unmarried and that I totally missed a teaching moment.
Incidentally, this is why I drink.
Brilliant. I am so going to try this trick on my husband.
Dammit. So if I had children, I could stop being a non-drinker?
My first guess was actually Nicki, because that has totally happened to me.
And cats don't have to be married. What's up with that?
I thought you were going to say Nicki was pregnant. It would have been fun to hear about Husbandrinka's reaction to that.
Mother's never miss a moment to educate you on what you should have done.
I usually drink too.
Kylie & Beth--Why couldn't it have been Nicki?! I'm totally going to have to find a surrogate for her. Thanks for the tip!
That was cute!
OMG! Congratulations! This is so exciting that I couldn't even finish reading your post without congratulating you first!!!! :)))
As long as I'm not pregnant. And you may drink to that.
You didn't tell your kids they had to be married to be pregnant because they would have rolled their eyes at you and said, "yeah, right."
I'm off right now to pick out your new layette. Because now I believe you're secretly pregnant.
Oh my! They ARE geniuses!
So why do I drink?
I drink because your kids are geniuses and I'm intimidated. Yes. That's it.
I like playing this game with my husband, only it's called "Guess who's getting a boob job?" and then I watch him squirm as he thinks about all of my friends' breasts in front of me.
Incidentally, you don't have to be married to get a boob job.
After this post, I need a drink.
The year my son turned one my daughter was 13 years old.
My mom told my poor girl that I was pregnant with twins and my daughter burst into tears before my mom could even say April Fools! (It was April 1st.) My mom still feels bad about it.
So, at least they didn't cry.
OMG I LOVE the idea of playing "Guess who's getting a boob job." Only I have no friends. Inncidentalty, you don't have to be married to drink either.
Surely that's not the *only* reason you drink?
I thought it was Nicki. I also thought I should not drink. At breakfast time anyway.
Having been pregnant 10 times (that I know of), the "Guess Who's Pregnant" game isn't that fun at my house. ~~ sigh ~~
My kids would TOTALLY have told you that the names you named that weren't married, couldn't possibly be pregnant. And therefore, my kids are geniuses too.
Which is reason enough to drink for ANYbody.
Your Mom is a genius!
No need for sex ed until they have a ring on their finger!
Phew. That's some awkwardness averted.
LOL, I was guessing Nikki too! Wouldnt your husband just LOVE that.
I always miss "those" moments too. I had a major bad mommy moment today. Pit in my stomach all day.
Hilarious! Your kids are geniuses!
Do you have to drink to get pregnant then?
Heavily? You crack me up.
See , living with my mother around is the reason I will never stop eating copious amounts of chocolate
Ummm, you have to be married to be pregnant? My husband (now) and I missed that memo.
Oh, ack.
According to MY mother, the married couple has to include one (1) boy and one (1) girl. There is no other way to have children. *two more shots down the hatch*
hilarious...especially missing "the teaching moment." i guess your mom got to get in HER teaching moment with you...god, i think i need a drink now.
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